The tanneries in Pallavaram area during the initial period of operations adopt different types of processes such as chrome tanning, vegetable tanning, raw to finish, semi-finish to finish operations, etc.
- During the period 1980-2000, due to the pollution problems in and around Pallavaram, Pammal and Chrompet area, mainly due to the discharge of high saline water, odour, TDS, etc., the tanneries reduced the raw to semi-finish operations and established the CETP during 1990-1995.
- From the year 2001 onwards, the pre-tanning (i.e. beam house) operations such as soaking, liming, removal of fleshing, deliming etc. have been totally discontinued by the tanneries in Pallavaram cluster to reduce the liquid and solid pollution discharges. The main chrome tanning process is also totally discontinued to control Chromium discharge in the effluent. The total pollution load in terms of BOD, COD, SS, etc., which are reduced by about 60-70%, and the TDS are reduced by about 70%.
- The tanneries in Pallavaram Cluster process only semi-finish to finished leather. The semi-finish leather (i.e. wet blue and vegetable tanned leather) is received from all parts of India and other countries.
In addition to above terms of references, PTIETC-SPV is authorized to carry out the other required roles and responsibilities for the successful completion of the Upgradation of Pallavaram Tanners Industrial Effluent Treatment Company (PTIETC) and Dilution project for TDS Management.