- Designed for a capacity of 3000 m3/day (3.0MLD) and serves 129small scale tanneries processing semi-finish to finished leather mainly for export.
- Established during 1995 and periodically upgraded with financial support from State and Central Governments.
- Wastewater collection through 7 zonal pumping stations from 129 tanneries to CETP
- Many periodical activities have taken up by PTIETC towards upgradation and implementation of viable alternative options to MEE for TDS management in consultation with organizations such as Metrowater, CSIR-CLRI, etc. taking in to account the field condition the work is under progress.
- Due to unsuccessful operation of MEE, alternative viable options (discharge in to backwater, dilution with treated domestic sewage, etc.) for TDS management has been approved by DPIIT, Govt. of India and TNPCB.
- Upgradation project with sustainable TDS management is under implementation with a total financial outlay of Rs.45.80 crores. The financial contribution pattern : DPIIT – 70%, GoTN – 15% and balance 15% plus by PTIETC CETP as counterpart contribution. The ongoing upgradation project is rescheduled due to unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown and expected to be completed by March 2022.