Need for Upgradation of Existing Treatement System
- The existing conventional treatment system with physiochemical treatment with high chemical dosing, limited detention time for equalization system, aerobic biological treatment system are being upgraded to achieve better performance, reduced sludge generation and sustainable TDS management.
- The Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE) implemented for handling saline reject from RO system and TDS management is found not suitable for PTIETC CETP, Pallavaram. In view of this an alternative sustainable proposal of treating tannery effluent by adopting advanced aerobic biological treatment and mixing the treated effluent with treated domestic sewage was formulated and submitted to TNPCB for approval. TNPCB accorded approval for implementation of this proposal for TDS management in lieu of the ZLD system with MEE.
- As per the directions and guidelines of TNPCB the treated effluent from PTIETC CETP will be pumped through new HDPE pipeline system for a distance of about 17km to Perungudi STP for dilution / mixing with treated domestic sewage for achieving all discharge parameters including TDS. This project component is under implementation through CMWSSB.