All trade effluent from member tanneries undergoes screening and sedimentation in a Pre-Treatment Unit (PTU) before discharge into Common Wastewater Conveyance Collection system leading to 7 Zonal Pumping stations. Electromagnetic flow meter is provided in each member tannery unit at the effluent discharge point.The common pumping stations are being upgraded by providing suitable Mechanical Rack Screen to avoid accumulation of suspended matters and chocking problem to the pumps.From the ZonalPumping stations effluent discharged through the High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipelines to inlet chamber of the CETP.
Tertiary treatment units such as Dual Media Filter (DMF), Ultra-Filtration (UF) reduces the residual BOD, COD & SS and make the effluent fit for RO system. RO system is a Membrane technology and used for recovery of quality water for reuse by the member tanneries.
The residual saline stream from RO system is planned to be further treated using advanced oxidation system. Laying of treated effluent conveyance system from PTIETC CETP to Perungudi Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for Mixing/Dilution with treated domestic sewage at Perungudi STP for TDS Management is under progress as per the direction and guidelines of TNPCB.
Pallavaram Tanners Industrial Effluent Treatment Company Ltd. (PTIETC) established in
1989 and implemented the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) during February 1995 for
the benefit of 152 member tanneries with a capacity of 3000m3/day. After pre-treatment,
the effluent from individual tanneries are collected in 7 zonal pumping stations and
pumped to the CETP. The CETP is being periodically upgraded with improved Aeration System
using Jet Aspirators, Advanced Oxidation with Ozone Treatment, etc. by complying the
Environmental norms and directions of pollution control authorities. Apart from tanneries,
there are many downstream leather product industrial units in Pallavaram/Pammal area including
shoes, garments and other leather goods factories. The total annual turnover of the Pallavaram
leather industrial sector is to the order of Rs.2000 crores during 2010 would increase to
Rs.3000 crores on the current upgradation project.
The implementation of the upgradation and TDS management project at a total project
outlay of Rs.53.03crores is being implemented by Pallavaram Tanners Industrial Effluent
Treatment Co Ltd. (PTIETC) by forming a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). With the technical
guidance of CSIR-CLRI, and financial support from DPIIT, GoI under the sub-scheme of
IFLADP and GoTN, the upgradation project is under final stage of implementation with
the approvals of statutory Govt. organizations and local bodies.